3rd Annual Diaper Drive Golf Tournament
Hosted By The Changing Table
Guardian Insurance Group recently participated in the Changing Table's 3rd Annual Diaper Drive golf tournament in Osage Beach, MO. Mark, pictured to the right, and his team placed 2nd place in the tournament's B flight!
We are proud to have a great tie with organizations who are so dedicated to supporting our local community, and we are already looking forward to the next one!
Mark and his golf team at the Changing Table's
3rd Annual Diaper Drive Tournament
American Red Cross Blood Drive @ Old Kinderhook Resort
We have decided that to partner with The American Red Cross and Old Kinderhook Resort by taking part in supporting a blood drive that can and will save the lives of those in need. Currently, The American Red Cross is facing a nation-wide blood shortage, and we want to do our part to save as many lives as possible by donating. This blood drive has just only begun, running from July 7th to the 31st, so please consider donating to this cause. The attached flyer has all of the information needed to contact The American Red Cross so you can schedule an appointment to give at the time that is best for you. Also, all who donate within this time frame will receive an Amazon.com Gift Card by email, and 3 lucky winners will receive free gasoline for a year! With the way those prices have gone up, now's a great time to take the chance of winning!
If Mark can donate, so can you!
Jasen Jones of Old Kinderhook not only hosted the drive, but donated as well! Thank you Jasen for providing the venue for this event.
The Changing Table and Share the Harvest Feminine Products Drive
In a partnership with The Changing Table and Share the Harvest Food Pantry, we at Guardian Insurance Group took part in a drive to collect feminine products to support low-income women in the area. It was our pleasure to join forces with Jessica Rozier, the head of The Changing Table in an effort that collected over 17,500 diapers and feminine supplies during the month of June. This drive was the beginning of what we hope to be a fruitful partnership that will truly impact the lives of so many women who are impacted by the often overlooked issue of finding enough supplies for their infants and periods.
Jessica Rozier of The Changing Table visiting our office to collect items for the feminine product drive.
Paula and Shana Tumey-Aubuschon, director at Share the Harvest Food Pantry, carry tubs of feminine products to be distributed.
Paula and Jessica join Kevin Hilley for an interview on 101.9 The Wave
The tally of feminine products collected over the course of only 2 weeks!